Citi Benefits Handbook
You have a right to appeal a denied claim for benefits by filing a written request for review of your claim with the Claims Administrator within 180 days after receipt of the notice informing you that your claim has been denied. The Claims Administrator will conduct a full and fair review of your claim and appeal. You or your representative may review Plan documents and submit written comments with your appeal. You will be provided, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents, records and other information relevant to your claim.
The Claims Administrator's review will take into account all comments, documents and other claim-related information that you submit regardless of whether that information was submitted or considered in the initial benefit determination.
The Claims Administrator will reach a determination regarding your appeal 60 days after its receipt (120 days if the Claims Administrator determines that special circumstances require an extension and, before the expiration of the initial 60 days, you are notified in writing of the circumstances warranting the extension and the anticipated determination date).