Citi Benefits Handbook
Disability Coverage
The Citigroup Disability Plan (the "Disability Plan") provides for a Short-Term Disability (STD) and a Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefit to replace a portion or all of your earnings if you are unable to work due to an illness, injury or pregnancy.
This section describes the STD and LTD benefits available. The receipt of STD and LTD benefits is subject to the terms and conditions of the Disability Plan.
For complete details about your coverage under the LTD benefit, see the LTD insurance certificate, which is also part of the Disability Plan. If there is any discrepancy between the provisions in this section of the Handbook and the related insurance certificate provided by the insurance company, the provisions of the insurance certificate shall prevail.
If you incurred a disability prior to 2002 or you became a Citi employee in connection with a corporate transaction with benefits provided under another disability plan, your benefit may not be described in this Handbook. Please see the prior plan and/or related summary plan description that was applicable to when you became disabled.
If you do not have access to the Citi intranet or the Internet, you can request a copy of the certificate at no cost to you by speaking with a Citi Benefits Center representative. Call ConnectOne at 1 (800) 881-3938. See the For More Information section for detailed instructions, including TDD and international assistance.
Definition of Years of Service for the Plan
For purposes of LTD benefits (and STD benefits initiated prior to June 1, 2024), your years of service are based on your actual time providing services to Citi as an employee. Please refer to the Citi Employee Handbook for more details about how service is calculated.