Citi Benefits Handbook
For Domestic Partners
You are eligible to enroll your domestic partner who lives in the United States in Citi coverage if you are a U.S. employee who is active or on an approved leave of absence. For GUL insurance to be effective for your domestic partner, you must be actively at work.
If your domestic partnership is registered in any state or under any local government authorized to provide such registration, your registration will be accepted as proof of your domestic partnership. If your domestic partnership is not registered, you will need to complete a form that certifies the following:
  • You have lived together for at least six consecutive months prior to enrollment; if you are (were) married, legally separated or getting a divorce, the six months (to enroll your domestic partner) are counted beginning with the date your divorce is final or the date you report your divorce to the Citi Benefits Center, whichever is later;
  • You are financially interdependent, or your partner is dependent on you for financial support;
  • Neither you nor your domestic partner is legally married to another person; if you are married, legally separated or getting divorced, you cannot add a domestic partner to your coverage until six months from the date your divorce is final or from the date you report your divorce to the Citi Benefits Center, whichever is later;
  • Both of you are at least 18 years old and mentally competent to consent to contract;
  • You are not related by blood to a degree of closeness that would prohibit marriage; you cannot enroll your parents or siblings even though all other criteria may apply to your relationship;
  • Neither you nor your domestic partner is in a domestic partnership, marriage or civil union with anyone else;
  • You have mutually agreed to be responsible for each other's common welfare; and
  • You are in a relationship intended to be permanent and one in which each is the sole domestic partner of the other.
The Company may require you to provide proof of your financial interdependence (or domestic partner's financial dependence) by producing two or more of the following documents:
  • A joint mortgage or lease;
  • Designation of your domestic partner as beneficiary for life insurance or retirement benefits;
  • Joint wills or designation of your domestic partner as executor and/or primary beneficiary;
  • Designation of your domestic partner as your agent under a durable power of attorney or health proxy;
  • Ownership of a joint bank account, joint credit cards or other evidence of joint financial responsibility; or
  • Other evidence of economic interdependence.
In order for you to cover a domestic partner, you and your domestic partner must first complete forms attesting to your domestic partnership. Alternatively, if your domestic partnership is registered in any state or under any local government authority authorized to provide such registration, documentation of such registration will be accepted as proof of your domestic partnership, without satisfying the previously listed requirements or completing a certification form. If your domestic partnership ends, you and your domestic partner must attest to the termination of your domestic partnership. Alternatively, if your registration (as noted above) is terminated or no longer effective pursuant to state law or local government authority, documentation to that effect will be accepted as proof of the termination of your domestic partnership. You can obtain the required documents to certify your domestic partnership by calling the Citi Benefits Center through ConnectOne at 1 (800) 881-3938. See the For More Information section for detailed instructions, including TDD and international assistance. You must wait six months from the time your termination attestation form is received before you can add a new domestic partner, unless your domestic partnership is registered.
The children of your domestic partner are eligible for coverage if they live in the United States, are under age 26 as of December 31 of the plan year that precedes the year for which coverage applies, and they are your domestic partner's:
  • Biological children;
  • Legally adopted children;
  • Stepchildren; or
  • Any other children for whom your domestic partner is the legal guardian in accordance with the laws of the state in which he or she resides.
You can cover your domestic partner’s disabled child beyond age 26 if before age 26 the child became incapable of self-sustaining employment due to a disability, in which case the dependent may be eligible for coverage beyond such age.
To enroll your domestic partner’s disabled adult child, you must have a letter from the SSA declaring your domestic partner’s child as disabled; if you do not have such a letter, your Citi health plan will evaluate the child to determine eligibility for adding him or her to your benefits.
Note: Except as otherwise described herein for disabled adult child(ren), coverage generally will remain in effect through December 31 of the year in which the child reaches the maximum age. However, for some HMOs, coverage ends on the last day of the month in which the child reaches the maximum age. For more specific information, contact your HMO directly. For more information on when coverage ends, see "When Coverage Ends."