Citi Benefits Handbook
Coverage When You Retire
You could be eligible for retiree health care coverage if:
  • Your age plus completed years of service with Citi totals at least 60;
  • You have attained age 50 and have at least five years of Citi service; and
  • You are eligible for coverage under the Citigroup Health Benefit Plan, regardless of whether you are enrolled. Please note if coverage is lost under the Citigroup Health Benefit Plan due to failure to pay premiums, you will be ineligible for retiree health coverage.
Note: If you are eligible for retiree health coverage and you have attained age 65, you will be assisted by Via Benefits, a Willis Towers Watson Company, to enroll in Medicare exchange health care coverage. For information on Via Benefits and health plan and premium options, call Via Benefits at 1 (888) 427-8835.
If you are eligible for retiree health coverage and you have not attained age 65, you may be eligible to continue health coverage through COBRA while you wait to be eligible to enroll in retiree medical, prescription drug, dental and vision plans through Via Benefits, a private Medicare plan exchange that has partnered with Citi to ensure you receive support as you transition to retiree health plans available directly with insurance companies. Enrolling in COBRA coverage will not impact your eligibility to later enroll in coverage through Via Benefits. See “COBRA” for more information on how COBRA coverage works.
For employees who may be close to attaining age 65, the eligibility age for Medicare coverage, and may be thinking about how Medicare impacts your Citi benefits if you continue to be actively employed at Citi upon or after attaining age 65, please note that if you remain actively employed at age 65 and enrolled in the medical plan, your Citi medical coverage will be your primary coverage for you and your spouse and qualified dependents even if you enroll in Medicare. You may enroll in Medicare when you are eligible, as noted below, and Medicare might reimburse expenses the Citi plan did not cover; however, due to the extent of the Citi coverage, it is unlikely Medicare will pay much as secondary coverage. Once your benefit coverage as an active Citi employee ends after you have attained age 65, Medicare, if enrolled, will automatically be considered your primary coverage and will be required to pay benefits first.
If you have not enrolled in Medicare upon attaining age 65 as an active employee or you have become automatically eligible for Medicare upon attaining age 65 because you commenced receipt of Social Security benefits, you will be required to enroll in Medicare upon retiring to avoid penalties for late enrollment. As noted above, once your active employment coverage terminates, Medicare pays primary, regardless of whether you are eligible for retiree health coverage or elect COBRA continuation of health coverage
If your covered partner attains age 65 while you are actively employed with Citi, under the Medicare rules, your partner is required to enroll in Medicare when initially eligible to avoid late enrollment penalties and Medicare pays primary benefits for your partner. If you are considering or are close to retiring, you should enroll in Medicare so that there are no gaps in your coverage once you retire.
Medicare Benefits
Medicare consists of several parts: Part A is Hospital Insurance, Part B is Supplementary Medical Insurance, and Part D is Prescription Drug Insurance.
If you enroll in Medicare Part A, you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part B. Generally, there is no premium associated with Medicare Part A. However, a monthly premium is required for Medicare Part B coverage. You should contact your local Social Security office for information about Medicare when you are approaching your 65th birthday, if you are considering retiring.
Note: If you are enrolled in Medicare Part A or B, you are not eligible for an HSA. However, if you previously had an HSA and have a remaining balance, you may use the funds to pay for eligible expenses even if you receive Medicare benefits. Neither you or Citi are permitted to contribute to your HSA after you enroll in Medicare.
If you are Medicare eligible, but do not enroll, you are permitted to have an HSA and may continue to contribute until the month after you enroll in Medicare.
Medicare Part D provides prescription drug benefits and requires you to pay a separate monthly premium. As a participant in a Citi medical plan, you do not need to enroll for Medicare Part D coverage because the Citi prescription drug coverage is expected to pay out as much as the standard Medicare prescription drug coverage benefits ("creditable coverage"). As long as you have creditable coverage through the Citi medical plan, you will have a special enrollment period in which to enroll in Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage after your Citi prescription drug coverage ceases without penalty. Annually, you receive a "Notice of Creditable Coverage" from Citi which describes this process.