Citi Benefits Handbook
Regarding Appeals
  • Each level of appeal will be independent from the previous level (i.e., the same person(s) or subordinates of the same person(s) involved in a prior level of appeal would not be involved in the appeal);
  • On each level of appeal, the claims reviewer will review relevant information that you submit even if it is new information;
  • The Claims Administrator is required to give the participant notice of any internal rules, guidelines, protocols or similar criteria used as a basis for the adverse determination;
  • You cannot file suit in federal court until you have exhausted these appeals procedures. However, you have the right to file suit under ERISA Section 502 following an adverse appeal decision; and
  • Each participant has the right to request and obtain documents, records and other information as it pertains to the Plan(s). Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan(s) to the contrary, you must file any lawsuit related to your Adverse Benefit Determination within 12 consecutive months after the date of receiving such a determination or, if earlier, within two years from the date on which you were aware, or should have been aware, of the claim at issue in the suit. The two-year limitation shall be increased by any time a claim or appeal on the issue is under consideration by the appropriate fiduciary. If any different period to commence suit is specified in an insurance contract forming part of the Plan(s), that period will apply to suits against the insurer.