Citi Benefits Handbook
Are You Eligible to Enroll in TRIP?
You are eligible to enroll in TRIP if:
  • You commute to work by public transportation (bus, subway, train, ferry or van pool) or you commute to work by car and have out-of-pocket parking expenses; and
  • You do not participate in another Company-sponsored parking or mass transit program.
If you enroll in TRIP and later begin participating in another Company-sponsored parking or mass transportation program, you must cancel the purchase of your online transit or parking pass.
Quick Tip
You do not need to wait until Annual Enrollment to enroll in TRIP. The deadline to enroll or change your TRIP participation is generally the 10th of every month for participation that begins the 1st of the following month. If you miss the deadline, your enrollment/change will be effective the following month.
Note: For some transportation authorities, such as the Long Island Railroad and Metro-North Railroad, the deadline to enroll or change your TRIP participation is the 4th of every month (rather than the 10th of every month).