Citi Benefits Handbook
Age 59-1/2 Withdrawals
From Non-Roth Accounts
If you are at least 59-1/2, you may request an "age 59-1/2 withdrawal." The amount withdrawn is taken from your vested accounts in the following order:
- After-Tax Contribution Account;
- Rollover Account;
- Profit Sharing Account;
- Before-Tax Contribution Account;
- Citigroup Stock Fund Dividend Account;
- Company Contribution Account;
- QMAC/QNEC Account;
- Company Fixed Contribution Account;
- Company Transition Contribution Account;
- Company Matching Contribution Account; and
- One-Time Shearson Transition Contribution Account.
The maximum available is 100% of the accounts listed above. The minimum withdrawal amount is $500 or the total balance in these sources, if less.
From Roth Accounts
If you are at least 59-1/2, you may request an "age 59-1/2 withdrawal" from your Roth Rollover Account and Roth Contribution Account.
The maximum available is 100% of the accounts listed above. The minimum withdrawal amount is $500 or the total balance in these sources, if less. If your Roth account has not been in place for five years, there may be adverse tax consequences for withdrawals of earnings on Roth After-Tax Contributions. See "How Benefits Are Taxed."