Citi Benefits Handbook
Your Accounts
You have one or more "accounts" within the Plan that keep track of the types of contributions that have been made to the Plan for your benefit. Understanding your accounts is important to understanding your investment, vesting, withdrawal and distribution rights.
Your accounts hold contributions as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions. You may have one or more of the following types of "accounts":
Account Name
Account Holds
Before-Tax Contribution Account
Before-Tax Contributions to the Plan and prior employer plans, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions.
Roth Contribution Account
Roth After-Tax Contributions to the Plan and prior employer plans, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions. This account also holds, as a subaccount, in-Plan Roth Conversion amounts.
Company Matching Contribution Account
Matching Contributions made by the Company for 2008 and later years, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions.
Company Fixed Contribution Account
Company Fixed Contributions, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions.
Company Transition Contribution Account
Company Transition Contributions, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions.
Company Contribution Account
Aetna Supplemental Contributions, Matching Contributions to the Plan for years before 2008, employer contributions from certain prior employer plans that were merged into the Plan (including their matching contributions), and certain other employer contributions. Please consult the Glossary for information on the contributions that are held in the Company Contribution Account.
One-Time Shearson Transition Contribution Account
One-Time Shearson Transition Contributions, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions.
Rollover Account
Before-tax rollover contributions you may have made to the Plan or prior employer plans, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions. After-tax rollover contributions are held separately in the After-Tax Contribution Account.
Roth Rollover Account
Roth rollover contribution amounts, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions. This account also holds Roth rollover contributions made to a prior employer plan that was merged into this Plan. This account accepts Roth rollover contributions made to the Plan.
QMAC and QNEC contributions, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions.
The following accounts are maintained for some participants in the Plan, although the Company is no longer making contributions to these accounts.
Account Name
Account Holds
Profit Sharing Account
Profit sharing contributions from certain prior employer plans, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions. Please consult the Glossary for more information on which prior plan accounts are held in the Profit Sharing Account.
After-Tax Contribution Account
Any after-tax contributions you may have made according to the terms of the Plan before 2008, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions. and any after-tax rollover contributions you may have made to the Plan or prior employer plans, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions.
Money Purchase Plan Account
Employer contributions to prior employer money purchase plans, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions.
PAYSOP Account
Certain former Salomon employees were eligible to make payroll-based stock ownership plan (PAYSOP) contributions, which are no longer allowed by law, and these contributions, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions, are held in a separate account.
QVEC Account
Certain employees of Citibank and Travelers were eligible to make qualified voluntary employee contributions (QVECs), which are no longer allowed by law, and these contributions, as adjusted for any earnings or losses on those contributions, are held in a separate account.